Jawaban "Arrange The Following Jumbled Sentences Into A Good Paragraph A. But In Milder Climate A Type Known..."

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Oh ya, kami telah menyusun 1 ulasan dari Arrange the following jumbled sentences into a good paragraph a. But in milder climate a type known.... Monggo baca cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut disini:

Arrange The Following Jumbled Sentences Into A Good Paragraph
A. But In Milder Climate A Type Known As Winter Wheat Is Also Grown
B. The Climate And Large Areas Of Suitable Land In The Ukraine Make This Area The World's Leading Wheat Producer, Followed By China, The United State, India, And Canada
C. Today There Are Thousand Of Wheat Varieties, But The Most Common Are Bread Wheat And Rum Wheat Which Is Used To Make Paste
D. The Most Widely Grown Cereal Is Wheat. It Is Based Suited To The Temperature Region Of The World
E. The Regions Offer A Warm Summer Climate And Regular Rainfall. Normally, Wheat Is Sown In The Spring And Harvested In Summer.

Jawaban: #1: Answer: C - D - E - A - B
Today, there are thousands of wheat varieties, but the most common are bread wheat and run wheat which is used to make paste (C). The most widely grown cereal is wheat (D). The regions offer a warm summer climate and regular rainfall (E). But in milder climate a type known as winter wheat is also grown (A). The climate and large areas of suitable land in the Ukraine make this area the world's leading wheat producer, followed by China, the United States, India, and Canada.

Ukraine: Der Krieg wird nicht am Absturzort entschieden | ZEIT ONLINE

russland panzer (sumber gambar: www.zeit.de)

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