Jawaban "Rearrange The Jumbled Sencentes Into Meaningful Dialogue! John : I Study At Standford University. Ma..."

Lagi mencari cara menyelesaikan tentang Rearrange the jumbled sencentes into meaningful dialogue! John : i study at Standford University. Ma...? Bila benar, anda telah ada di halaman yang benar.

Oh ya, kami telah memiliki 2 jawaban tentang Rearrange the jumbled sencentes into meaningful dialogue! John : i study at Standford University. Ma.... Silakan lihat jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah:

Rearrange The Jumbled Sencentes Into Meaningful Dialogue!

John : I Study At Standford University.
Maria : Hi, Anne. I'd Like You To Meet My Cousin.
Anne : How Do You Do?
John : Nice To Meet You Too.
Anne : By The Way, Where Do You Study?
John : How Do You Do?
Anne : It's Nice To Meet You.
John : I Am John Stell, Maria's Mum Is My Aunt.
Anne : My Name Is Anne Colum

Tolong Bantu Jawab Kaa, Terimakasih ☺️​

Jawaban: #1:


Maria : Hi, Anne. I'd like you to meet my cousin.

John : How do you do?

Anne : How do you do?

John : I am John stell, Maria's mum is my aunt.

Anne : It's nice to meet you.

John : Nice to meet you too.

Anne : My name is Anne Colum.

Anne : By the way, where do you study?

John : I study at Stanford University.

Jawaban: #2:


Rearrange the jumbled sencentes into meaningful dialogue!

Maria : Hi, Anne. I'd like you to meet my cousin.

Anne : How do you do?

John : How do you do?

Anne : My name is Anne Colum

John : I am John stell, Maria's mum is my aunt.

Anne : It's nice to meet you.

John : Nice to meet you too.

Anne : By the way, where do you study?

John : I study at Standford University.

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