Jawaban "Turn To Passive /ubah Ke Passive 1. Russia Has Attacked Ukraine With Bomb Multiple Times 2. If Only..."

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Btw, kami sudah menyusun 1 jawaban dari Turn to Passive /ubah ke passive 1. russia has attacked Ukraine with bomb multiple times 2. if only.... Silakan pelajari cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut disini:

Turn To Passive /ubah Ke Passive
1. Russia Has Attacked Ukraine With Bomb Multiple Times
2. If Only Zombie Was Real, It Would Turn Human Into Zombie
3. Genocide Was The Action That People Should Not Do It
4. When We Were Climbing The Rock, The Wind Was Blowing The Sand
5. Does She Fetch The Kids From School?​

Jawaban: #1:

1. Ukraine has been attacked by Russia with bomb multiple times

2. If only zombie was real, human would be turned by it into zombie

3. Genocide was the action that it shouldn't be done by people

4. When we were climbing the rock, the sand was being blown by the wind

5. Do the kids were fetched by she from school?

Ukraine: Der Krieg wird nicht am Absturzort entschieden | ZEIT ONLINE

russland panzer (sumber gambar: www.zeit.de)

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