Jawaban "1. (+)They Can Play Guitars (-) (?) 2. (+)Birds Can Fly (-) (?) 3. (-) Dani Could Not Dance (+) (?)..."

Tahukah anda, bila mencari cara menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah dengan memanfaatkan internet adalah solusi jitu yang harus teman-teman coba?.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan metoda mencari cara mengerjakannya bisa meningkatkan hasil ujian pada mata pelajaran matematika.

By the way, kami telah menyiapkan 1 jawaban mengenai 1. (+)They can play guitars (-) (?) 2. (+)Birds can fly (-) (?) 3. (-) Dani could not dance (+) (?).... Okey, langsung saja baca cara mengerjakannya selengkapnya di bawah ini:

1. (+)They Can Play Guitars

2. (+)Birds Can Fly

3. (-) Dani Could Not Dance

4. (?)Could She Win The Singing Contest?

5. (+)Toni And Tini Are Able To Collaborate

6. (+)Mother Is Able To Cook Delicious Menus

7. (+) She Will Come To Your Birthday

8. (-)Mom And Dad Would Not (wouldn't) Leave The Room


Jawaban: #1:


1. (+) They can play guitars.

(-) They can't play guitars.

(?) Can they play guitars?

2. (+) Birds can fly.

(-) Birds can't fly.

(?) Can birds fly?

3. (-) Dani could not dance.

(+) Dani could dance.

(?) Could Dani dance?

4. (?) Could she win the singing contest?

(+) She could win the singing contest.

(-) She couldn't win the singing contest.

5. (+) Toni and Tini are able to collaborate.

(-) Toni and Tini aren't able to collaborate.

(?) Are Toni and Tini able to collaborate?

6. (+) Mother is able to cook delicious menus.

(-) Mother isn't able to cook delicious menus.

(?) Is mother able to cook delicious menus.

7. (+) She will come to your birthday.

(-) She won't come to your birthday.

(?) Will she come to your birthday?

8. (-) Mom and dad would not (wouldn't) leave the room.

(+) Mom and dad would leave the room.

(?) Would mom and dad leave the room?


Rumus kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogratif dengan mengunakan, can, could, dan be able to adalah

(+) Subject + can/could + verb 1.

Subject + am/is/are + able to + verb 1.

(-) Subject + can/could not + verb 1.

Subject + am/is/are + not + able to + verb 1.

(?) Can/could + subject + verb 1?

Am/is/are + subject + able to + verb 1.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai can, could, be able to pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/23823734



hohner (sumber gambar: www.liveauctioneers.com)

Itulah cara menyelesaikan mengenai pertanyaan di atas yang dapat kami infokan, semoga membantu!

Kalau anda masih punya pekerjaan rumah lainnya, silahkan temukan juga jawabannya di halaman ini.

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