Jawaban "Explain The Difference In The Following Vocabulary And Give An Example;die,died,dead,death"

Explain The Difference In The Following Vocabulary And Give An Example;die,died,dead,death adalah salah satu pertanyaan yang banyak dicari dan bisa kamu temukan solusinya disini.

Kami sudah menyusun 1 cara menyelesaikan tentang explain the difference in the following vocabulary and give an example;die,died,dead,death. Tak perlu basa basi, langsung saja lihat kunci jawabannya lebih lanjut di bawah:

Explain The Difference In The Following Vocabulary And Give An Example;die,died,dead,death

Jawaban: #1:


Die (Verb.) = pass from physical life or stop functioning.

Example; If your head hit something solid, you will die.

Died (Verb.) = Past form of Die.

Example; She almost died yesterday, believe me or not.

Dead (Adjective.) = no longer living or expecting to have life.

Example; That animal is dead for real.

Death (Noun.) = state of being dead.

Example; Our uncle's death really brings a great sadness to all of us.

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