Jawaban "1 Masdar City Is 11 Miles From Abu Dhabi City. Where Is Abu Dhabi City? Give Its Full Address, Inclu..."

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Btw, kami telah menyiapkan 1 jawaban dari 1 Masdar City is 11 miles from Abu Dhabi city. Where is Abu Dhabi city? Give its full address, inclu.... Monggo pelajari cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

1 Masdar City Is 11 Miles From Abu Dhabi City. Where Is Abu
Dhabi City? Give Its Full Address, Including The Continent!

Jawaban: #1:


Masdar City is a planned city in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The city was designed by the British architectural firm Foster and Partners. The city will depend entirely on solar cells, with no carbon emissions and zero-disposal ecology. The city is built in Abu Dhabi, 30 km from the capital, near the Abu Dhabi International Airport. The city is also free of cars. This project is supported by WWF. It is believed that this city will become an icon of Abu Dhabi.


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