Jawaban "The City. Mention One City That You Know Well And The You Tell Us About The City, Location, Cultute,..."

Jika teman-teman ingin mencari kunci jawaban dari pertanyaan The city. Mention one city that you know well And the you tell us about the city, location, cultute,..., maka sobat sudah ada di website yang benar.

By the way, kami telah memiliki 1 cara menjawab atas The city. Mention one city that you know well And the you tell us about the city, location, cultute,.... Monggo pelajari kunci jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah:

The City. Mention One City That You Know Well And The You Tell Us About The City, Location, Cultute, Turisms Sport, And The Reason Why People Should Visit The City?

Jawaban: #1:


Kota. Sebutkan satu kota yang Anda kenal dengan baik. Dan Anda memberi tahu kami tentang kota, lokasi, budaya, olahraga turisme, dan alasan mengapa orang harus mengunjungi kota itu?

Cosa vedere a Dortmund, Germania - Viaggi in Europa

(sumber gambar: www.viaggieuropa.com)

Bagaimana? Sudah dapat jawabannya kan? Diharapkan solusi tadi dapat membantu pengerjaan pekerjaan rumah teman-teman.

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