Jawaban "Explain Why Pekalongan City Is A Great City!"

Explain Why Pekalongan City Is A Great City! termasuk salah satu soal yang banyak dicari dan bisa anda baca jawabannya disini.

Kami sudah mempunyai 1 kunci jawaban mengenai Explain why Pekalongan City is a great City!. Silakan pelajari cara menjawabnya selengkapnya disini:

Explain Why Pekalongan City Is A Great City!

Jawaban: #1:


The reasons why 'Pekalongan City is a great City' :

1. First, it's because this city was famous for Batik crafts, and has been noticed and named by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as the World Creative City for the category of Crafts and Folk Art.

2. Second, it's because Pekalongan City have an unique logo and many places which is have amazing view to see, so tourist may interest to visit this place.

3. Third (last but not least), this City is also known as The Most Creative City. Pekalongan, which is known as a small city far from the frenetic world of politics, turned out to be the Director General of UNESCO, Irini Bokova, designated as the World Creative City since December 2014.


hope it helps u a lot :)

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